MA66886  MM37471

 Relaxing Massage

Do you feel stressed or agitated by life? Do you have a job that puts too much pressure on you? If you always feel like you need a vacation? Massage is something you can try? Relaxation massage is a great way to deal with all the above.

While massage for relaxation falls under the therapeutic massage category, it usually gets its own listing. Massage for relaxation is better known as Swedish massage.

This type of massage is often slow and ultra-soothing. Relaxation massage isn’t just long slow strokes. There is science behind it too. Relaxation massage can be used to reduces stress hormones (like cortisol). Less cortisol can allow other hormones like serotonin (a hormone involved with feeling happy and good) to increase. This type of massage is a wonderful way for people in high stress positions (and who isn’t, in these modern times) to find some form of escape from these highly stressful and agitating lives that many of us live.

Call (727) 432-5235

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